Doing nothing but give you more? Isn't it counter productive? Yes, if you completely do nothing in your life, but that is not what I want to write on blog post here.
It is more to do with doing nothing for your healthy inner self.
Photo Credit: After 10km trail, a rest. via photopin (license) |
We, human beings, aren't robots. Even machines need their own off times. That's the idea.
You need it. It is not only normal rest, I know people's definition of rest on these days are watching tv, playing games, surfing internet, and anything that have correlation with technologies.
I tried it myself recently, I turned off my handphone, I backed off from my computer, and I didn't watch tv. What did I do then? I did nothing. Breathed. Watched the best movie on the world (real life) outside of window.
It is best if you can go to park and enjoy the world. Forget about your jobs, forget your to do list for a bit, do nothing. When you do it, feel your body relaxing, aware of your surrounding. Trust me. If you rest by doing nothing, you will be more connected to the higher universe. Why? I do not know exactly why, maybe because we're designed like that.
When we were babies, we did nothing except ate and slept, we were connected to the world. As we grow up, we forget that, we are busy with our "grown up" play things.
So what can you do now?
Replace Your Play Things with "Doing Nothing"
How Long Do You Do Nothing and When Do You Do It?
It is as long as you need it. Do nothing but full awareness to your surrounding is like meditation, which focus on breathing. Somehow similar. When? It could be done on your work time or at morning or before you sleep. It depends on your schedule and life style. But do nothing at least once per week.
I hope by resting with doing nothing, you can feel more refreshed, so can do better job after that.
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