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3 Things You Should Avoid In Your Life

On this blog post, I will share what I have learnt recently and I think these will be valuable to others too. Just as title say, 3 things we, as humans, should avoid. Because it will be wasting your time and life. 1. Worrying Too Much. Worrying will make you feel uncomfortable. Especially, worry on "unresolveable" or "uncontrollable" problems. That's useless. When you are worried, your body will be constantly tense and make you tired faster, eventually you will get sick. It is not just make you suffered, but also cannot solve your problems. I didn't say that worry is bad. Worry occured because there is something that isn't right in our life. Take it as a sign, don't dwell on it, I think we better use our time to think of solutions for the problems than worrying, if it is "unresolveable" by yourself, ask others' help, but if that doesn't work either, just let it be. From my experience, there are a lot of problems have the...
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Hard Working Misconception

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The Best Legacy We Can Give

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The Key to be An Expert or Grandmaster on Your Field

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"Black Box" In Our Brain

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When "Doing Nothing" Actually Give You More

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5 Steps To Be a Better Communicator and Get Your Sales / Career / Life Relationship To Next Level

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